
at home

We know travelling is off-limits for the next few months but while we’re all stuck at home, we’d like to invite you to show us how you can still travel at home. Express your thoughts through painting, drawing or collage and get the chance to win a prize to use once where back to work!

How can you participate?

Make a visual work of art – painting, drawing or collage – and take a nice photo of it. Share the photo on Instagram tagging @theindependentecollective and using #independentevirtualart. We will be sharing all new artworks weekly and you will be able to vote on your favourite until the end of May.



1st place

1 night stay for 2 people at any of The Independente Collective’s properties (subject to availability and previous reservation. This offer excludes the transportation costs to and from the property)


2nd place

1 dinner 2 people in any of The Independente Collective’s restaurants (subject to availability and previous reservation. This offer excludes the transportation costs to and from the property)


3rd place

1 tour for 2 people from The Path Tours catalogue (subject to availability and previous reservation. This offer excludes the transportation costs to and from the property)


4th to 10º places

2 cocktails in any of The Independente Collective’s restaurants (subject to availability and previous reservation. This offer excludes the transportation costs to and from the property)



Present one or more photographs of the artwork on Instagram. You must tag @theindependentecollective and use #independentevirtualart for the submission to be considered;


The Independente Collective will share all new submissions weekly until 31st May. The artworks will be submitted to a vote through comments.


On the last week, we will present the 10 artworks with the most votes for a final vote.


The 10 finalists will be exhibited in the several The Independente Collective spaces, where they will be open for sale. 50% of the sale revenue will revert to the artists and the other 50% will revert to a charity of the artist’s choice. The exhibition and sale will be performed with the previous written authorisation of the artists.

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